
“The story about Mr. De, Mr. Si, and Mr. Almost”


这是一篇未完全成型的写作——[D,是design,代表艺术和感性;而S,是science,代表学术和理性。由此联想,上世纪,似乎也出现过D先生和S先生,即德先生和赛先生,代表民主和科学。借此我们可以来一番新旧 “德”先生与“赛”先生之谈。]


[关于design和science 两个新“德”、“赛”先生。
存在各样的观点:1)Research is design 研究是设计; 2)Design and research are not equal 设计和研究不是一个东西; 3)会做设计的人做不好研究,因为设计师可以透过他的眼睛直至目的地,不需要过程中复杂的论证;4)会做研究的人做不好设计; 5)design studio是research活动; 6)有关process and precision 7)“design research”是什么,它与设计和研究的关系…… 我看来,两者都很重要。对立而统一,两者都需要,如何结合?探讨两者的关联与结合,是目的之一。我们将设计的作品归为一类,把科学的思考归为一类……]  


100年前,1919年,由陈独秀引荐,两位先生来到中国,分别是德先生 Mr. De (democracy)和赛先生Mr. Sai (science)。在新文化运动期间,作为先驱者,两位先生的影响力日益剧增。然而,由于对中国的传统文化知之甚少,他们并没有成功地融入新环境。德先生不得不暂时离开,但他似乎永远也不会知道,早在千年以前的中国,“德”已然扎根。赛先生留了下来,无论生活多么艰辛。然而,在一段时间里,赛先生渐渐地被差不多先生所取代。在胡适的文章中,差不多先生因为他对待生活慷慨而又乐观的态度而出名。他从不在乎细节。他总是把白糖买成红糖,因为他觉得白糖红糖差不多。他生病了,他的家人为他寻了一位兽医,他不在乎也不抱怨。他最后死了,却被人们作为“差不多先生”所铭记。

现在,景观设计领域也存在两位先生,也叫做德先生Mr. De (design)、赛先生Mr. Sai (science/research)。设计和研究是一对,为了更美好的明天,他们通过不同的方式参与、从事并引导世界的发展。然而,差不多先生们依旧存在。也许框架总是会先出现,而美件事物都非常重要,但成功在于细节。失之毫厘,谬以千里,一个小的差错会引发更大的灾难。对我们来说,细节创造了深度并使得拼图变得完整。尽管,园林景观设计师正慢慢地将重心从“设计静止的平面”向“设计开放的过程process”转变,但开放并不意味着模糊,相反对于 “理解所设计过程”的准确性仍旧是前提。我认为,在设计中,差不多先生没有施展的空间。我们希望一直将“设计和研究“,两位先生牢记于心,并在我们所热爱的事业和生活中始种保持准确性。正因如此,当事物来临,我们总能保持清醒并时刻准备着。

One hundred years ago, in 1919, introduced by Duxiu Chen two men came to China, Mr. De (democracy) and Mr. Sai (science). As the two pioneers in the New Culture Movement, they behaved very progressively. Nonetheless, they failed to adapt themselves to the new circumstance because of knowing little of China’s traditional culture. Mr. De had to left for a while and he never knew he did have his root thousand years ago in ancient China.  Mr. Sai always stays no matter how hard life is. However, his status was being replaced by Mr. Almost gradually. In Shi Hu’s essay, Mr. Almost was famous for his generous and optimistic attitude towards life. He never concerned about details. He always bought brown sugar when white sugar was needed since he thought they are almost the same. He did not even care and complain when his families found him a veterinarian. He finally died, but was deeply remembered as Mr. Almost.

There are another two Mr.(s) in Landscape Architecture field. They are Mr. De (design) and Mr. Sai (science/research). Design and research are the duos engaging the world with new knowledge for the bright future. While Mr. Almost(s) still exist. The framework always comes first.  “Everything is important - that success is in the details” (Steve Jobs). A small discrepancy can lead to a great error. For me, details create the depth and make the big picture. Though Landscape Architects has been shifting their focus from designing the static result to designing the process, the precision of understanding the process is still the premise. In my opinion, Mr. Almost has no room to play around. One hundred years later, in 2019, I’d like to dedicate myself to not being a Mr. Almost. I’d like to keep the new Mr. De and Mr. Sai in mind. I’d like to keep myself with precision in the career I love and in life. Thus, when things come, I am always clear and ready.